I just came across this unpublished post from 5 years ago-and had to publish it. Enjoy!
Being an Agnostic or Atheistic parent, I think, can be one of the most challenging ways to parent. We have had many discussions with our oldest daughter that turn out to be far more philosophical than I have initially expected.
For example, try explaining the meaning of Christmas, Easter or what happens after people die. If you aren't clear or don't believe than you run the risk of turning your child into immoral, consumerist, little bastards. At least, that's what I've been told before.
We've tackled Christmas with a little bit of explanation but I always end up going off on a side discussion about the various points of interest of other religions and how I don't even know what is true and what isn't and that the Bible is really just a collection of stories and how Jesus wasn't really even born on December 25th...and after about 20 minutes I look at Olivia and her eyes have rolled back in her head and she is looking so sorry that she even asked. We talked a little bit about Easter (but really, how on earth am I supposed to explain the Crucifixion and resurrection of Christ to a 4-year old? And even if you had a suggestion, I wouldn't want to try it.) So we talked, instead, about how spring is a time of rebirth and a time of new life. The sad part is, I wasn't even able to come up with that myself. I had to buy a book.
There are many tricks that parents of faith can use to keep their children in check. One is the "Hell" card. I don't get to use the "You can't do that because you will burn eternally in the fiery pits of Hell" argument. Although, there are some times I would like to. It's a hard card to play when you don't believe in Hell, though.
Another is the "Jesus died for your sins" card. That is one that will evoke feelings of guilt in most people, but, that is bullshit. Jesus was a good man, who was a political scapegoat. No one should feel guilty for what happened to someone else 2,000 years ago.
Five years later...
We still haven't figured this out but recent studies have come out showing that Atheist parents are kick-ass parents., so I guess we'll just keep doing what we're doing and they'll be okay.
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